Popular singer and former Close Up 1 star Lopa Hossain, after a six year hiatus, has recently made her return in the music scene. She grabbed the limelight with her second solo album Ashar Bhela. Lopa’s debut solo album, Aari, released in 2007. Dhaka Tribune caught up with the singer about her musical career and many more.
Tell us about your orientation in music
From early childhood, I started learning classical music with my brother. In 2005 Close Up 1 gave me a platform for entering the mainstream music. After the program, I started my solo music career.
Recently, your second solo album Ashar Bhela has been released. Tell us about it.
The album is brought to the audience by Laser Vision. A total of nine tracks including two different versions of the same song make up the album. O Aamr Desher Mati, a patriotic song, is composed by renowned composer Bappa Majumder and I rendered the song with Mahmuduzzaman Babu. I have written and composed all but three songs in the album. All of my songs portray my very personal feelings and moods.
You came back to the music scene after a long time. What was your push-back?
Actually, flourish of response from my listeners prompted me to rethink about my musical career, it was my biggest incentive to resume work as a singer.
You are famed as a news presenter as well as a singer among the fans. How do you mange this?
My work-place gives me huge support for my music inclination. Music to me is like a prayer and that is why I have always managed some time for my music rehearsal and recording.
After Close Up 1, describe your struggle in the music scene.
Close Up 1 really structured my platform. Then, I started with my own talent and industriousness. I want to go forward with my talent with help from other singers, composer and lyricist.
Source: Dhaka Tribune